Coach George Yon was born and raised in Ocheessee, Florida and is the son of Mr. Eddie Lee and Mrs. Otsie Yon. He graduated from Mayhaw High School and then attended Jackson Jr. College (now Chipola). He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and Physical Education from FAMU.

Mr. Yon was initially hired at Mayhaw School and after integration of schools he was hired to be the Physical Education Coach at Blountstown Elementary School where he served for 27 years. During his 27 year service at BES, he was recognized in 1996 as Calhoun County Teacher of the Year. Coach was highly respected by his peers for his commitment to the children. He was highly respected by his students for his commitment to the "green hornet". Though he was committed to teaching children the rules of discipline he was equally committed to teaching them the rules of love, respect, kindness, and character. For those reasons many adults today, whom he taught as children still remember the many lessons learned under his care...(or PE Shelter).
Now that he has retired, Coach (as he is still affectionately called), spends portions of his day being a part-time farmer. He spends time with his sister Ms. Laura Yon as well as his four children and several grandchildren. He has served in various capacities at St. Rose AME Church and continues to enjoy time spent in Calhoun County.
Coach has always had such a positive attitude and a very impressive philosophy: “My philosophy has always been to do whatever it took to make it through the day...If it meant grabbing a mop, I grabbed a mop, whatever needed to be done.”
Thank you Coach Yon for your years of commitment and discipline to the students of Calhoun County and for always being such a positive role model for children and adults alike. You are our Calhoun County September Local Legend.
*Special thank you to Mr. Willie Brown, District 4 CCCF Board Member for contributing this month's story and to the family of Coach Yon for the personal images used.
